
The Security and Defense Agenda, a Brussels-based think tank, is organizing the 2010 Security Jam in collaboration with IBM to analyze and clarify the changing threats to international peace. Officially supported by both the European Commission and by NATO, the Jam will bring together thousands of representatives and experts from around the world to take part in an ambitious online debate to provide input into strategy reviews and rethinks being undertaken today.

The event is open to defense and security specialists and non-specialists alike with the aim of widening the security debate beyond purely military matters. The growing importance of NGOs in security thinking and practice will be reflected in the event's weeklong discussions.

The result of the Jam will be an official report with ten key recommendations. These recommendations will be officially presented to leaders of the EU and NATO, among others, in April 2010.

To learn more about the event, please visit the Security and Defense Agenda’s web site.