Dr. Saalman Speaks at 2018 World Peace Forum
From July 15-17, Dr. Lora Saalman spoke on four Chinese-language panels as part of the 2018 World Peace Forum and Eleventh Annual Politics and International Relations Community Conference organized by Tsinghua University. Among these, three panels dealt with artificial intelligence (AI). Dr. Saalman highlighted this emphasis by noting that these panels featured technical, political, and economic experts, who debated opportunities and challenges ushered by the popularization of AI within national development plans. She noted that these discussions were not purely academic, given that they were chaired by such figures as Ambassador Fu Ying, chairperson of the National People's Congress Foreign Affairs Committee. Dr. Saalman stated that “China’s development of ‘Artificial Intelligence Principles’ heralds its efforts to move beyond the domestic sphere and to shape the evolution of AI technology, trends and norms in the global arena.”