Firestein's Recent Appearances

Media Coverage | April 06, 2016

On April 1, 2016, EWI Perot Fellow and Senior Vice President David Firestein spoke to TenCent News (\u817e\u8baf\u65b0\u95fb) regarding the 2016 presidential campaign and the ways in which candidate Donald Trump's foreign policy positions diverge from the traditional Republican party platform. Specifically, Firestein observes that on certain issues, such as trade and the Iraq war, Trump's position does not deviate too far from those of mainstream Democrats. He also suggests that in the event that Trump becomes president, he will have to revise his proposals to completely change the foundation of American foreign policy due to legal, congressional and constitutional restrictions. He points out that Trump's often provocative language during the course of this campaign is probably not best or most accurately construed literally; underneath the rhetoric, the broad contours of Trump's proposed policies are largely recognizable to observers of U.S. policy toward China. The article, which cites Firestein among others as expert observers, originally appeared on TenCent News and was picked up by numerous other Chinese and other media outlets in the following days (links below in original Chinese).

TenCent News

U.S. China Perception Monitor

