Encryption has long been an essential tool for protecting digital data and communications. It supports privacy and other human rights, protects financial assets and proprietary data, enhances national security and thwarts cyber-enabled crime. However, the widespread use of encryption has also reduced law enforcement’s ability to access vital digital evidence and other critical information to fight crime.
Following the release of EWI's report "Encryption Policy in Democratic Regimes: Finding Convergent Paths and Balanced Solutions," EWI cyberspace program chief Bruce McConnell sits down with Cyrus Vance Jr.,New York County District Attorney, to discuss the urgent need to find a middle ground in the use of encryption.
Since his first term in 2010, Vance has led his office in dealing with growing cyber-related crimes. Vance also co-founded the Global Cyber Alliance a non-profit, cross-sector coalition focused on reducing digital vulnerability through the exchange of threat data and the development of open-source risk management solutions. His office was one of the contributors in the preparation of EWI's encryption report.