EWI's Second Worldwide Cybersecurity Summit
On June 1-2, the EastWest Institute will host the Second Worldwide Cybersecurity Summit in London. Carrying on the work of EWI’s First Cybersecurity Summit in Dallas last May, 400 industry, government and technical experts from around the world will forge practical solutions for protecting cyberspace.
“Cyber challenges are by definition global and therefore require a global approach,” says EWI President John Mroz. Mroz adds that businesses should take a guiding role in joint initiatives with governments, and help achieve international cooperation on cybersecurity.
Sir Michael Rake, Chairman BT Group plc, and first U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, President & CEO of Ridge Global and Senior Advisor to Deloitte LLP, will deliver the summit’s keynote addresses.
Other key speakers and panelists will include: Scott Charney of Microsoft; Lt. General Harry D. Raduege, Jr. (USAF ret.) Chairman, Deloitte Center for Cyber Innovation; Natalya Kaspersky of Kaspersky Lab; former U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, Chertoff Group; Matthew Kirk of Vodafone; Martin Sutherland of BAE Systems Detica; and Kamlesh Bajaj of the Data Security Council of India.
While the panels will provide valuable insights, much of the work of the summit will be accomplished by “breakthrough groups” – small, international groups of experts each dedicated to solving a specific cybersecurity problem.
One working group will explore how to protect the undersea cables that carry 97% of Internet traffic and another will look for ways to ensure emergency communications after disasters. Several groups will continue ongoing EWI-led bilateral processes, including U.S.-China talks on regulating spam and U.S.-Russia talks on forging “rules of the road” for cyberspace.
As a highlight, award-winning journalist Misha Glenny, author of the forthcoming book Dark Market: Cyberthieves, Cybercops and You, will be the luncheon speaker on the first day of the summit. Participants are also invite to a media breakfast on the first day led by Financial Times Contributing Editor John Lloyd.
To address the unique cybersecurity challenges faced by children, EWI will hold the International Youth Congress on Digital Citizenship on May 31, preceding the summit. Former U.S. Federal Communications Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate will give opening remarks, and participants will include youth cybersecurity groups from Lebanon to Nigeria to the UAE.
EWI will be tweeting about the summit under #cybersummit