Prevention of Violent Crisis in Africa

allAfrica reports on an EWI meeting in Tunis to strengthen regional organizations and help prevent violent conflict in Africa.

"The meeting was organized by EWI and cohosted by the Fragile States Unit (OSFU) and the Research Department (EDRE) of the African Development Bank."

"Topics of interests also included the management of natural resources, early warning mechanisms, national and regional level decisions, the role of elites in governance and of women."

Source Author: 
Ernest Achonu

Economic Relations between Italy and Russia

Voice of America's Russian service quotes EWI's Jacqueline McLaren Miller and Danila Bochkarev in an article about Russian-Italian relations. Miller and Bochkarev discuss the importance of South Stream, the proposed gas pipeline that would connect Russia to Italy through Bulgaria.

"There is a clear political momentum growing for South Stream in Europe. What is in sharp question is the economic momentum," says Miller. "This is an expensive project—some estimates have put it at twice the projected cost of Nabucco."

"There are important cultural and scientific contacts between the two countries," adds Bochkarev. "Italy strongly supports Russia’s integration with the rest of Europe."


Evangelicals feel a need for renewal

The Washington Post quotes EWI Senior Fellow Os Guinness in its coverage of a conference of evangilicals "to search the soul of their movement and find a new way forward."

Guinness's participation at the conference is part of a broader EWI effort to help counter violent extremism and identify ways in which differennt faiths can co-exist in an increasingly globalized and interconnected world.

The Washington Post
Source Author: 
G. Jeffrey MacDonald

Lowering the Alert Levels in U.S. and Russia

On October 20, 2009, The Washington Post reported on EWI's recent publication, Reframing Nuclear De-Alert: Decreasing the operational readiness of U.S. and Russian arsenals.

"The study does a good job of trying to move the debate away from the old fear of nuclear forces being on a 'hair trigger alert,'" writes Walter Pincus, author of the Post story.

Placing EWI's study in a broader policy context, Pincus adds: "De-alerting is among the issues being analyzed in the Pentagon's Nuclear Posture Review. When completed by the end of this year and approved by the White House, the review will set out the administration's strategic nuclear policies, including the appropriate alert levels."

EWI is working to ensure that the report informs these strategic nuclear priorities and paves the way towards more constructive U.S.-Russia relations.

The Washington Post
Source Author: 
Walter Pincus

The Battle for Moscow in the Eyes of an American

The Russkiy Mir Foundation, a Russian cultural organization, interviewed EWI Vice President Andrew Nagorski about his book, The Greatest Battle: Stalin, Hitler and the Desperate Struggle for Moscow That Changed the Course of World War II.

This piece appeared shortly before the release of the Russian translation of Nagorski’s book.

Russkiy Mir Foundation
Source Author: 
Peter Cheremushkin

Afghan elections imperfect but successful: Hekmat Karzai

In an interview on Fox News, EWI Senior Fellow Hekmat Karzai says that despite technical problems, Afghanistan’s elections were “a success for the Afghan people.”

Karzai further suggests that military means alone cannot bring peace to Afghanistan, and that the political process must also engage the Taliban.

Fox News


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