Roundtable on “Middle East Regional Security Challenges and Opportunities: Dangers and Vision for 2020”

Media Coverage | October 15, 2010

The Turkish Weekly wrote an article on EWI's roundtable discussion: "Middle East Regional Security Challenges and Opportunities: Dangers and Vision for 2020." The roundtable was moderated by Mehmet Yegin (Center for American Studies-USAK) and Bahadir Dincer (Center for Middle Eastern Studies-USAK). The discussion included EWI President and CEO John Edwin Mroz, EWI Co-Chairmen Francis Finlay and Ross Perot Jr, former Chief of the U.S. Air Force General Michael Moseley, Ambassador Richard Viets of Kissinger Associates and EWI senior fellow Allen Collinsworth.

The Turkish Weekly
Source Author: 
Agshin Umudov and Emrah Usta